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Gain GLOBAL Experience & earn credit toward your degree with API

Experiencing Costa Rica with API

Find Your Program Abroad

Study & intern abroad for credit! It’s easy for you to find the right program. Search by any area of study, location, available courses, and more!

Study Abroad and Gain Global Experience

API Granada students in Plaza

Unique Study Abroad Destinations

If you are looking for a study abroad adventure off the beaten path, consider our “hidden gems” destinations. Study nursing in Costa Rica, environmental science in Bhutan, or perhaps business and social sciences in Lisbon or Iceland…the possibilities are endless!

API Barcelona student on beach

Intern Abroad Opportunities

With API’s virtual and on-site internships, you will develop skills that employers value. Build your resume and stand out from your peers, improve your odds of being hired faster, and set yourself up for a higher starting salary!

Let’s Get You Abroad!

Complete the form to get connected to our staff for personalized advising opportunities.

Invest in Your Future through Study Abroad

API student Zara Wright in Italy

Affordable Programs

We’ve rounded up our most popular and most affordable semester, summer, short-term language, and internship programs in one place to fit your budget, schedule, and academic needs!

Student selfie at Eiffel Tower

Earn API Scholarships

Each semester, API offers multiple scholarships to students across the country! We believe in making global experiences accessible for students of all backgrounds, income levels, genders, identities, and circumstances. 

API Australia student diving in Cairns

Study Abroad is for ALL

Study abroad is a valuable investment you can afford to make! Read more on our blog about how API’s programs can be far more affordable than the average cost of a semester at a U.S. university.

“This program stood out to me because of the options to take both courses in Spanish and in English, live with a host family, and the included excursions! I felt very supported by the API program staff, but also like I was living in a foreign country on my own, which is something I wanted out of my experience. API was the most affordable option that I found, while also including so much more in their program than others.”

Leah S.

API Spain Alum

Can’t wait to get started?

If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to the International and Exchange Student Center located in the University Student Union, bldg C.

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

API is committed to providing enriching international experiences to its participants. We believe in the importance of promoting acceptance, dignity, and respect among people of all backgrounds. No matter who you are or where you come from, API will support you during your journey abroad.

Visit our website to learn more! >>

Who is API?

Academic Programs International (API) is an approved affiliate provider that works closely with U.S. institutions and universities abroad. API was founded in 1997 and is dedicated to providing high-quality, affordable experiential learning programs. API’s extensive pre-departure preparation, coupled with strong support services on-site, facilitates academic, cultural and linguistic learning. Within the supportive environment of the API programs, API participants are encouraged to explore their host communities and become increasingly independent and confident in their own abilities. API strives to make international educational experiences accessible to as many participants as possible, and, as such, works to provide multiple program components at a low program cost.

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Contact API About Our Programs
Email: [email protected]

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